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A site for Patriots!
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We are working out the bugs and hope to be adding new features soon! is a Social Media/Op-Ed site that hopes to bring conservatives an alternative to Reddit, Craigslist, and Twitter. Our initial goal is to create a funtional website with a social media timeline and featured articles.

In the future, this page will be a place for terms and conditions, help, company info, and company news.

Please keep checking back for updates, and feel free to drop us a line at our admin account,!



If you are someone who has your eyes on the threat posed by these out-of-control power structures and you try to explain this to a normal person, the response you will probably get from them is - Well theres nothing I can do about that, and its out of my control, so Im not going to worry about it.

Obviously they are wrong on all three counts.

There are things you can do, that are within your control, and you should be worried about it.

These are the same people who when you say - The covid 19 virus causing the pandemic is likely man made, so why would we trust the people capable of creating it to supposedly cure it? will respond - Well we are in the pandemic now it doesnt matter where it came from, what matters is curing it. These people have successfully been subjegated and have had their minds controlled.

I personally am not going to allow myself to be controlled like this, and when I am hurt by someone, I will not go running to them for safety. You should not allow it either.

We should be demanding accountability and putting the entire scientific and medical community, the pharmaceutical industry, and the governments of the world on trial.

But how can we do this?

Yes it is a daunting task that will seem so overwhelming to the average person that they would rather live in blissful ignorance of the threat than to even admit it exists. So the fact of the matter is that most people will give up on solving the problem of how to combat the growing out-of-control power structure before they even begin. They will simply choose not to think about the issue.

Therefore we are presented with the first step of fighting the illuminati that most people choose not to take: Think.

The first step to fighting the illuminati, that most people refuse to take is to THINK.

Most people do not even want to think. So the first thing you should think is: How am I contributing to the problem? How am I being complicit with the plans of the illuminati? Then begin to make plans of moving away from dependence on the systems of the controlling class.

The next step after moving towards more independence from the system is to figure out how you are contributing financially to their projects and to withdrawal that support if possible.

This may take moving from a liberal / globalist / deep state / illuminati controlled area to a place where your money is not going so directly to their infrastructure.

Next it is important to connect. This may be difficult and take time and effort and failures but persistence.

This is why this site is here.

Hopefully it will help.

And finally, before getting to more detailed and specific plans, self improvement is a must. Health, physical fitness, diet, skills, intelligence, all these things are extremely important to fighting and furthering the cause.

So do not give up, do not be discouraged, do not give in, and do not comply.

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